Game Development Tips and Guides

Unmasking Code Phishing: What it is, What it does, and How to Prevent it

Communities play a crucial role in fostering innovation, collaboration, and learning. However, the integrity of these communities faces threats from practices like code phishing, a relatively new but growing concern. Code phishing undermines the very foundation of collaborative growth and development. This article delves into the phenomenon of code phishing, its impact on creative communities, and strategies for prevention and protection.

Understanding Code Phishing

Code phishing refers to the act of individuals participating in community forums or chat groups, such as Discord servers, with the intent of acquiring software code or creative content under false pretenses. These individuals, often hopping from one community to the next, solicit help or code snippets from unsuspecting members or helpers. Instead of using these contributions for personal learning or community projects, they repurpose the information for resale. This behavior not only breaches trust but also establishes a clandestine market that exploits both creators and consumers.

In the context of UEFN and similar communities, code phishing has manifested through the unauthorized collection and sale of code snippets and solutions shared freely by developers aiming to support their peers. These perpetrators target multiple help forums for the same issue, piecing together a working solution from the collective input of community helpers. Once successful, they vanish, seldom to be seen contributing to the community or crediting those who aided them. This pattern not only deprives genuine creators of recognition but also siphons away the communal spirit of sharing and innovation.

It has in fact led to some dedicated helpers in the UEFN community trying to spread knowledge that no one should be paying for code that is freely available, take for instance this post made by Tyfighter in the Official Fortnite Creative Discord :

Tyfighter subsequently shares several links to freely available snippets that unsuspecting creators might have otherwise paid for. The post garnered more than 109 responses from grateful creators who were previously unaware of the Verse Snippets developers’ free knowledge base listed on the EDC, which had been targeted by code phishers for theft and resale.

Identifying and Preventing Code Phishing

Protecting the integrity of creative communities and developers who share work to help others requires vigilance and collective effort. Here are some strategies to identify and prevent code phishing:

Encourage Open Conversations

Favor public discussions in community chats over direct messages (DMs). Most servers lack the means to moderate DMs effectively, and allegations based on DM exchanges often fall into a grey area of hearsay. Keeping conversations public ensures transparency and allows the community to benefit from shared knowledge.

Foster Consistency in Help Seeking

For community helpers, should you observe a member soliciting help for a problem you’ve previously discussed in a different forum, endeavor to maintain the dialogue within the new context where you’ve encountered their request for assistance. Collaborating with the new helper in this forum might offer more comprehensive support to the member. This method minimizes confusion and deters users from compiling solutions from various sources without appropriate recognition. In addition, you can also consider posting any code you fully help developer for a member on the EDC – listing your credit and who you helped developed it for.

Establish Clear Community Guidelines

For Communities, consider developing and enforcing community guidelines that specifically address code phishing and related unethical practices. These should include rules about the proper use of shared resources, expectations for acknowledgment, and the consequences of violating these principles.

Promote a Culture of Acknowledgment

Encourage a community ethos where giving credit is not only expected but celebrated. Highlighting and rewarding examples of proper attribution and collaboration can set a positive tone for the entire community.

Utilize Watermarking or Code Signatures

For developers, embedding identifiable markers or signatures within shared code can help trace the origin of shared resources. While not foolproof, this method can deter misuse and simplify the process of giving credit.

Fostering a Meaningful Creative Community

Awareness and proactive measures against code phishing are vital in cultivating a creative community where members feel safe to share, collaborate, and learn. By emphasizing transparency, acknowledgment, and respect for intellectual contributions, communities can defend against exploitative practices. The goal is to nurture an environment where creativity flourishes, supported by a foundation of mutual trust and respect. In such a community, every member has the opportunity to grow and contribute to the collective advancement of their shared passions and interests. Together, we can build stronger, more resilient communities that stand as bastions of creativity, learning, and collaboration.


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