Kuro: A Shadow's Dream Dreams PS4 Featured Games Reviews

Kuro: A Shadow’s Dream

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D uring my Dreamfinder stream on Youtube, I came across a little gem called Kuro: A Shadow’s Dream. My words have left me with how well made this game was. It brings you into a beautiful world in which you play as Kuro, a ninja of shadow on a journey set in a beautiful dream world.

For being a 2D platformer, it plays well. The character mechanics are fluid and feels solid. The game structure allows for very easy play, meaning its so very easy to get started and figure out as you go along.

The adventure begins with a beautiful opening animation that brings you into the moment right away. As you progress, Kuro is able to sprint, double jump and more with the assistance of a few mysterious diamond shaped collectables spread throughout. At some points, you have a limited amount of time to use these mysterious collectable boosts to complete the level. And I found that, if you do not collect them all, you are still able to progress to the next level.

What I loved were the moments of animation! For instance, the Frost Giant or the mysterious character that follows you about. The imagery is just breathtaking! It makes you feel that there is some mystery yet to be revealed.

This is a game you definitely should play. I couldn’t recommend it more!
Please visit > Kuro A Shadow’s Dreams on indreams.me! And be sure to connect with the game developer on Twitter @abawnanable