Fortnite Creative Tips and Guides

5 Tips to Improve Your Building Skills with Fortnite Creative!

F ortnite Creative is a sandbox mode that gives players the opportunity to build their own games. However when you are just starting out, sometimes you need a few tips on how to make the process a bit easier!

Here are our 5 Tips to Improve Your Building Skills with Fortnite Creative!


Creativity is key in this game, and it’s what sets it apart from other games. The best way to get good at building in Fortnite Creative is by being creative with your designs, not just copying what others have done before you. What are some tips on being creative, you ask? Well we have a few! Pull inspiration from your favorite books, anime or tv shows. Browse online for concepts of fantasy worlds or even create your own art-piece in programs like photoshop. You can find inspiration everywhere, All you need is little imagination and you will be on your way in no time!


If you want to improve your building skills, you have to practice! It’s the only way that you can get better and become more creative with your designs as well as learn how to use the tools better. Join communities like us here at The Creative Blok! Creative Communities like ours allows you to practice building with other creators who are looking to learn just like you!


In Fortnite Creative, there are many different materials that you can use for building: wood, brick, metal etc., so experiment with them all and see which ones work best for you! The gallery contains an unlimited amount of options allowing you to create what ever it is you desire. And with new items being added at almost every update, you will never run out of creative building ideas!


Timing has become everything with Fortnite Creative since the Discovery tab has taken over. So that means that you have to build unique works fast in order to keep up with the mysterious algorithm. Crafting a building schedule will allow you to start building up production skills that will allow you to keep up with the competition!


The most important thing is to have fun while you are building! Be sure to build with friends you are comfortable with. If you make a mistake, don’t worry, it will be ok. Simply delete and start over again. Take every trial and error as stepping stone for improvement!

We hope these tips help you in your Fortnite Creative building journey!