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Unity Merges with Ironsource

O n November 7th, 2022, Unity announced in a press release that they will be merging with Ironsource, a business platform for the mobile economy. In the press release sourced from Business Wire, it read that

We’re happy to welcome IronSource to the Unity family and get a step closer to our goal of being the leading platform for a world with more creators in it. Together, we offer a complete ecosystem for developers to successfully realize and achieve their goals – no matter where they are in the development cycle.

John Riccitiello, CEO of Unity

Game developers who now use Unity, will get a leg up on tools that will allow them to focus more on creation and growth allowing them to create better gaming experiences. These tools include ways for developers to maximize their revenue using Unity’s best-in-class mediation platform LevelPlay, a platform that allows game developers to easily create monetization strategies in order to earn more revenue for their work.

Will this mean that Unity will only focus on mobile games?

John Riccitiello, the CEO of Unity, stated recently on Unity.com that

Unity’s mission remains the same: We want Unity to be the best development engine for creators to create what they imagine – no matter what they want to do.The benefits from the merger with ironSource are, indeed, particularly strong for mobile game developers who choose advertising as their business model.While mobile is, of course, a huge platform for games, with 70% of all top mobile games globally made with Unity, we also remain committed to developing features for PCs, consoles, and XR

John Riccitiello, CEO of Unity

How do you feel about this merger? Do you think it will change Unity for the better? Drop your comments below or share your thoughts in our Discord!

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