Modi Son of Thor by Shane Marshall Dreams PS4 Featured Games Reviews

Modi : Son of Thor

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I discovered Modi : Son of Thor during my Dreamfinder stream on Youtube. Immediately I was blown away by the game start intro screen. When you press start it takes you right into the action with breathtaking scenery and engaging dialogue.

The overall design of the game is remarkable, from character design to landscaping. When checking the game credits, it shows that a lot of amazing creators also contributed to the beauty that we see here! Kudos to that!

Dragon amazed at the beauty on Modi : Son of Thor

Gameplay was fun. The storyline grabs the attention of the player very early in the game. There are also tutorial info embedded within the game play that makes it easy to carry on. My only issue is that I am a bit of a noob sometimes, and I couldn’t make it pass to the next area. The character for me moved a bit wonky, that could be due to a lot of factors that are beyond the creators control, so it’s understandable. Regardless, I was still blown away by the quality, while my viewers laughed at my noob-level game play, lol.

Note from Shane Marshall, creator of Modi: Son of Thor

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for the support, the reaction had been nothing short of overwhelming, I couldn’t have hoped for such a response. And we aren’t even close to done yet, what comes next for MODI is gonna trounce what is available to play today, and I can’t wait for you to try it. If you’re new to Dreams, welcome! If you’re returning after a break, welcome back! If you’ve been on this whole time, keep being awesome. And if you’re not on Dreams I urge you to give it a try! Thanks again, stay tuned for some dope stuff coming soon!

Shane Marshall / Creator of Modi : Son of Thor

That was posted almost one year ago on his Youtube and I hope that we will indeed see more of this amazing work on Dreams and maybe even an indie game release! No matter what it is, I’m sure it will be amazing!