Core Games News

Meka-Drivers Core: Exploring the New 3D Interactive Collection in the MekaVerse

Manticore Games and MekaVerse have joined forces to create a revolutionary new type of NFT (non-fungible token) called Meka-Drivers. These NFTs are unique in that they come with built-in utility, allowing them to be used as playable characters on the Core Game platform. This is the first of its kind and will enable users to express themselves in a more creative way while also giving them access to exclusive content and rewards. The team behind the project believes that this will revolutionize the way we use digital assets and create an entirely new economy for content creators, gamers, and collectors alike.

Meka-Driver owners will be able to see their unique NFT transformed and fully realized as beautifully rendered, 3D characters playable in Core.


Core Games


By any means, this is revolutionary. Mattey, the Co-Founder and Art Director of the Meka-Verse states:

Meka-Driver owners will be able to see their unique NFT transformed and fully realized as beautifully rendered, 3D characters playable in Core.

Mattey/ Co-Founder & Art Director of the Meka Verse


NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, have been making waves in the gaming world lately. This new technology has potential to revolutionize gaming as we know it, but its future is still uncertain. From blockchain-based games to digital collectibles that can be traded and sold on the open market, NFTs have the power to completely transform the gaming industry. Even so, NFT’s in gaming have been questionable.

Frederic Descamps, CEO of Manticore Games, states:

Our collaboration with MekaVerse is a truly spectacular and bold example of the new generation of interactive utility for NFTs. We’re giving MekaVerse Driver owners immediate tangible benefits beyond NFT ownership, with an immersive, interactive, multiplayer, and fun experience in Core.

Frederic Descamps / CEO of Manticore Games

We are excited to see how this fleshes out for Core Games! And we can only wonder how this
will effect other gaming platforms outlook on NFT’s for the future!

Read more about it on CORE GAMES blog > Meka-Drivers

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