Minecraft Live Event 2022 AMA Minecraft News

2022 AMA with Minecraft Mojang

Y esterday, Minecraft fans were in for a treat when an AMA event was held with Mojang Studios on the Minecraft Subreddit! Everyone got the opportunity to ask a question about what was revealed in the Minecraft Live 2022 event! And boy did they deliver!

Some highlights from the AMA!

Camels made an appearance in the Minecraft Live 2022 event and everyone had to know:

Q: Will we be able to put chests or something else on the camels for storage?

A: Ulraf, Gameplay Designer:When adding the camel, we wanted to make sure to be respectful of old features! That means looking at what makes horses, donkeys, llamas unique and making sure they still have a niche of their own in the game. After looking at the camel that has the ability to have two players riding at the same time and the unique dash ability – we didn’t want it to overshadow the donkeys and llamas by giving it the ability to have storage on it as well!

Aside from the cute camels, questions arose in regards to game features.

Q: What’s a feature that was a tiny change from a player’s perspective, but was extremely difficult to implement?

A: N: Local water levels inside cave systems may seem really simple to a player, but it was super complex to get it right. There were a lot of tweaks we had to make to get the right amount of water and we also had to devote quite a lot of time to fix the perf impact since it’s something that each block has to calculate. 

What has changed aside from Deep Dark, the cave biome?

Curiosity continued as another unique question was asked.

Q: Aside from the Deep Dark, what was a feature that went through lots of different iterations/reworks?

A: N, Bedrock Developer: Piglin was surprisingly the mob that has the most iterations with quite a lot of mechanics being added in each iteration. Did you know that Piglins have a small chance of doing a celebration dance if they win the war over Hoglin? Or that if the number of Hoglins are more than the number of Piglins, the Hoglins will start chasing the Piglins instead? 

If you missed the event, be sure to visit the Minecraft subreddit to view the entire interview :

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