Fortnite Creative/ UEFN

Using Verse in UEFN: A Quick Beginner’s Guide

Learn the basics of using Verse to create custom gameplay mechanics in your Fortnite projects.



Using Verse in UEFN: A Quick Beginner’s Guide

Verse is the powerful scripting language integrated into Unreal Editor for Fortnite (UEFN), enabling developers to create custom gameplay mechanics and interactive experiences. Whether you’re new to programming or just new to Verse, this guide will help you get started with the basics. By the end, you’ll have the foundational knowledge needed to begin scripting your own Fortnite experiences.

1. What is Verse?

Verse is a high-level, object-oriented programming language designed specifically for UEFN. It allows you to create complex behaviors and interactions in your Fortnite projects by writing custom scripts. Verse is particularly powerful because it integrates seamlessly with the UEFN environment, allowing you to manipulate game elements directly within your code.

Verse is designed to be easy to learn for beginners, while still offering advanced features for experienced programmers. Its syntax is clear and concise, making it a great starting point for those new to coding.


2. Setting Up Your First Verse Script

To start coding in Verse, you first need to create a Verse script within your UEFN project. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Create a New Verse Script: In UEFN, navigate to the Verse Explorer,click the name of your project, right-click, and select “Add new Verse File to Project”. Choose “Verse Device” and name your script something relevant to its function, like “my_first_script” Now click Create. This will create a Verse file with a simple print code template already in place.
  2. Open the Verse Editor:  Find the link named “Verse” which is located between Tools and Build and click on it. In the drop down menu, click “Build Verse Code” Now click on the Verse button with the green check mark located between the Fab and Launch Session buttons. This will open up your Verse Editor. On the left hand side, look for your device called: “my_first_script” and click on it. 

Understand the Structure: A basic Verse script consists of classes, functions, and variables. Here’s a simple example to get you started:

my_first_script := class(creative_device):

    # anything with an # represents a comment and is ignored when the        
    # code runs.
    # The function below runs when the game starts

    OnBegin<override>()<suspends>: void =

        Print("Hello, World!")
        Print("2 + 2 = {2 + 2}")

In this example, we define a class: my_first_script that inherits from creative_device. The OnBegin function runs when the game starts and prints a message to the print log. You may wonder why it is important to print messages to the log.

Why Printing Messages to the Log is Important

Printing messages to the log is a fundamental practice in programming, especially when developing in environments like Unreal Editor for Fortnite (UEFN) using Verse. Here’s why it’s so valuable:

Debugging and Troubleshooting: When you’re writing code, it’s common to encounter issues or unexpected behaviors. By printing messages to the log, you can track the execution flow of your program. For instance, if your script isn’t behaving as expected, inserting print statements at critical points in your code allows you to see if certain functions are being called or if variables hold the values you expect. This makes it much easier to identify where things might be going wrong.

Monitoring Game Events: In a complex game environment, many events happen simultaneously. Printing messages to the log helps you monitor these events in real-time. For example, you can log when a player interacts with an object, when an enemy is spawned, or when a level is loaded. This real-time feedback is crucial for understanding how your game mechanics are working under different scenarios.

Performance Tracking: Besides debugging, print statements can be used to monitor the performance of your game. For instance, you can log the time taken by certain functions to execute or how often a specific event occurs. This information is valuable for optimizing your game’s performance, ensuring that it runs smoothly even with complex scripts and multiple players.

Communication Between Team Members: When working in a team, logging messages can serve as a form of communication. For example, if a particular function or script isn’t behaving correctly, you can log detailed messages that describe what the code is supposed to do versus what it’s actually doing. This information can then be shared with other team members to help diagnose and fix issues more efficiently.

Ensuring Code Logic: As your scripts become more complex, it’s easy to lose track of the logic flow. By printing messages at key points, you can confirm that your code logic is working as intended. For example, if you have multiple conditions or loops, logging each step ensures that your code is following the correct path and making the right decisions.

3. Understanding Verse Syntax and Concepts

Before diving deeper into coding, it’s essential to understand some basic Verse concepts:

  • Classes and Objects: Verse uses classes to define objects. A class is like a blueprint for creating objects. In the example above, my_device is a class.
  • Functions: Functions are blocks of code that perform a specific task. The OnBegin function in our example runs when the game starts.
  • Variables: Variables are used to store data. For example, you could define a variable to store a player’s score.
  • Events: Verse allows you to respond to events, such as a player interacting with an object. This is done through event binding, which we’ll cover shortly.

Tip: Consistency in naming conventions and proper indentation are critical in Verse to ensure your code is readable and maintainable. Follow a standard coding style to avoid errors and improve collaboration​.

4. Debugging and Testing Your Verse Code

Testing your Verse scripts is crucial to ensure they work as expected. UEFN provides several tools to help you debug and refine your code:

  • Print Statements: Use Print() statements to output messages to the console, which is helpful for tracking the flow of your program and identifying issues.
  • Breakpoints: You can set breakpoints in your Verse code to pause execution at specific points, allowing you to inspect variables and the state of your game.
  • Live Testing: Run your game in UEFN to see your scripts in action. Make sure to test various scenarios to ensure your script handles all possible player interactions.

Tip: Regularly save and back up your scripts to avoid losing your work. Use UEFN’s built-in version control features to manage changes and collaborate with others​.

6. Expanding Your Knowledge

As you become more comfortable with Verse, you can start exploring more advanced topics, such as:

  • Concurrency: Learn how to manage multiple tasks simultaneously using Verse’s concurrency features.
  • Custom Events: Create your own events and bind them to specific actions in your game.
  • Complex Gameplay Logic: Dive deeper into creating complex gameplay mechanics, such as inventory systems or AI behavior.

Additional Resources

To continue learning and improving your Verse scripting skills, explore the following resources:

Verse is a versatile and powerful scripting language that opens up endless possibilities for your Fortnite projects. By learning the basics, you’ll be well on your way to creating engaging and interactive gameplay experiences. Keep experimenting, learning, and expanding your knowledge, and you’ll soon unlock the full potential of Verse in UEFN.

Happy Developing!


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